Motivation · Simplify

In Chaos

There is always chaos around us, sometimes it appears very simple, yet it slowly grows in your mind and explodes until you became this angry, irritable, unsociable person that everyone hated. It is frustrating. I encountered one last night, and it bothered me until this morning. I am furious.

I kept quiet, but deep inside my mind, I wanted to shout and fight back. I wanted to share this agony with the person who brought it. Then I remembered this:

“You have no right to hurt a person just because they hurt you.”

It is like a wake-up call. I could have fought and said terrible things that I might regret. I could have caused enormous pain, but I chose not to. I kept quiet. I started to discard negative thoughts and simplify what’s inside my mind, removing the clutter. I kept quiet and listened to calming music. I read motivation quotes until I felt better. I felt better

I felt better, and hopefully, I can do this every time chaos decided to show up again.


Motivation · Share

In Motivation

For people who are not usually happy all the time, it is insanely difficult to be always motivated. I had my fair share of this as well, so I have few tips that I wanted to remember in difficult times, and I hope that these will help you too somehow:

1. Cry your heart out

“Crying doesn’t mean you are weak; it means you have been strong for way too long.”

When the tears keep on flowing, let it be. When you can taste your sorrow, let it be. If there are moments of sadness, feel it. Whatever it is, experience it. Cry, release, let go. Then hen you look back, you would remember how it felt like and the lessons will be more meaningful.

But what if you can’t cry but you want to? My trick for this is to always listen to heartbreaking songs as if I just went through a break-up. Read sad quotes, watch sad videos. For some people, watching funny or feel-good videos work for them.

When all else fails, it means you’re all dried up. You’re done with this step and need to move forward.

2. Accept that we cannot always be happy

Acceptance is important. Accept that we cannot always be happy. We have to go through pain for us to appreciate the good things in life. I thought before that this is so unfair but in reality, life isn’t fair at all. Sometimes we need a reminder for it. We were given a glimpse of happiness so that we work hard for it and we value it.

3. Practice

It sounds like fake it till you make it per se. Like smiling, motivation needs practice. Find ways to be motivated. If I needed inspiration, I usually check my Pinterest board for it. Or you can read the book “100 Ways to Motivate Yourself: Change Your Life Forever” by Steve Chandler. I got one as a gift since I’m always grumpy. There are TED talks as well exploring motivation and explaining how to do it.

4. Talk to a child

I love how forgiving they are and find joy in simple things. It is fun to talk to kids because you will hear about a different perspective that we have not considered. Listen to the wisdom of a child.

If you don’t like kids, then skip this.

5. Be grateful

Most of the time, we tend to overlook things and not recognize the blessings that we have. Let us keep in mind that someone else is dreaming of the life that we have right now. We can only appreciate it when it is gone. So be grateful for what you have and what you haven’t. Try making a gratitude list or find something to be thankful for each day. For example, today, I am grateful for ____.

6. Do what makes you happy

Recharge. Refill your love cup so that you can share it with others. I read books, inspirational articles/stories/quotes, or watch movies. I like peace. I like looking up at the sky. I was so happy inside the plane because I can see the clouds as nearest as possible. It’s magical.

7. Be with people who inspire you

Remember that one person that you look up to? Find him/her and reach out. You may learn a thing or two.

8. Do something.

Put a checkmark on your bucket list.

Do you want to write? Travel? Fall in love? Plant a tree? Jump from the tallest building? Whatever it is, do it. Run. Climb a mountain. Ski. Work out for the new you. Sing. Dance. Learn how to bake. Embrace the new culture. Swim. Forgive. Find a new dream.

Or you can imagine that you are the star of your comedy show. Write your plot of the funny twists and turns of what you are going through now. Who knows, it may be a big hit. Or it could turn out to be an inspirational one worthy of an academy award or Nobel Prize. The possibilities are endless..

9. Be with the people you love

Love is a universal language that everyone can be understood. Love heals. Hug someone today. Enjoy every moment with your family, friends or special someone. People are not meant to be alone. Love. When it hurts, love more. Love like there is no tomorrow.!

10. Do random acts of kindness

There is no greater joy than to do something for others who need it the most. Somewhere, someone needs you badly.

11. Take care of yourself

Be very good to yourself. Amidst everything, we tend to forget that we too need to stop for a moment, think and take care of ourselves.

12. Pray

Find comfort in solitude and pray. Pray for courage to overcome what is happening. Pray for courage to accept an unexpected outcome. Attend the Holy Mass. Find tranquility in worship songs and peace at churches. Trust in Him.

If you need someone to talk to, contact me. Let us help one another get through this. You are not alone.

May you find the light even in darkness.