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What I Can Do NOW

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I’d been thinking about a meaningful and healthier lifestyle lately and come up with a list below of what I should be doing, my baby steps:

1. Less to no coffee
Since I’m acidic, I should avoid it but old habits die hard. I settled to LA coffee for months and now it is Day 2 of no coffee at all. Good luck to me. I settled to more water instead.

2. More fiber

So this means more greens and to watch the calories. I am not a big veggies fan but I like fruits. I can’t eat salad but a smoothie is ok. Thankfully there’s a Go! Salad booth in the office pantry, so I tried the Breakfast Smoothie (Apple, banana, cinnamon, oats, coco sugar, chia seeds, greens, and soy milk P120.00 or $ 2.4). I got an Oster MyBlend Personal Blender from my boss as a Christmas gift two years ago, which helps me a lot with my smoothie craving.

3. Have enough sleep

I’m a night owl, and my brain functions well at night. Needless to say that I can stay all night, especially during days when I have to meet a deadline or just binge-watching stuff. But that’s not healthy, and I try to sleep at least 6-7 hours a day. I know it should be more that is why I am keeping track of it.

4. Exercise

This is my weakness. I am probably too lazy and think of many things to do instead as an excuse to exercise. However, as we age, I realized that I should focus more on this. I could start on adding more minutes of walking, then later on, probably jogging then running. I wish! We live near a newly developed concert ground, and people run/jog there every morning, so that should be a great start. Baby steps.

5. Read more books

I love books, and reading more books is part of “My What I Wanted to Do List”—specifically reading books from different parts of the world, or at least the English translation of it. So I checked my Goodread’s list, and as of today, I have 138 books in my Read Bookshelf: 1 (JP), 1(US – probably more, but I haven’t updated it yet), 1 (BR), 7(UK), 1 (SG), 1 (IN), 1 (FR), 1 (PH – most likely more).

6. Learn/Relearn something each day

I try to check Pinterest and Quora to learn or relearn something each day, mostly about minimalism, technology, literature, and everyday living.

7. Be positive

This is hard, I know. But we all need to try 🙂

I realized while writing this post that these to-do things are part of “My What I Wanted to Do List.” So back to baby steps to achieve what I wanted to do in the future that I can do now.